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GoSuB Browser Progress, pt17
jaytaph 1 year ago

I'm still working on test 23 in the tree-parser tests. :( There are a lot of steps.. and I keep finding small issues that I keep fixing, but this...

rust gosub
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GoSuB Browser Progress, pt16
jaytaph 1 year ago

Did a [blog post](https://adayinthelifeof.nl/2023/09/22/browsers.html) on one of the reasons why I started this browser project. Exploded on [hacke...

rust gosub parsing
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GoSuB Browser Progress, pt15
jaytaph 1 year ago

It seems that something "dropped" (or snapped) when it comes to the borrow checker of Rust. I think I actually get it now, and somehow I get less i...

rust gosub
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GoSuB Browser Progress, pt14
jaytaph 1 year ago

I have a bit of trouble getting the adoption agency algorithm implemented. There is lot of fighting with the borrow checker (nothing changes there)...

rust gosub
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GoSuB Browser Progress, pt13
jaytaph 1 year ago

Yes, I'm still fighting with Rust's borrow checker. I've got a lot of help from ChatGPT where it helps me to correct some mistakes (but doublecheck...

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GoSuB Browser Progress, pt12
jaytaph 1 year ago

So i've got an arena which is part of a document (tree) so all the nodes are stored there, and we reference nodes through their node_id (which is a...

rust gosub html5 parser
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GoSuB Browser Progress, pt11
jaytaph 1 year ago

I ran into a bit of trouble with the document tree generation. This is where a good grasp of the borrow checker comes into play, and I'm not there...

rust gosub
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GoSuB Browser Progress, pt10
jaytaph 1 year ago

I'm starting to get the hang of Rust. The borrow checker isn't yelling at me as much as it used to do, and I'm starting to see why things aren't wo...

rust gosub chatgpt
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GoSuB Browser Progress, pt9
jaytaph 1 year ago

Now that the tokenizer is done, I seem to be able to tokenize most of the html files i've tested. That's good! So i'm spending my time on creating...

rust gosub html5 parsing
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GoSuB Browser Progress, pt8
jaytaph 1 year ago

Finally, the tokenizer passes all html5lib-tests and is merger into the main branch [https://github.com/jaytaph/gosub-browser/](https://github.com/...

rust gosub tokenizer utf8

About jaytaph

Codemuser extraordinaire

avatar Loves building crazy and insane stuff. Happiest when left alone. All I wanted was a Pepsi, just a Pepsi.
Joined:March 24, 2023
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