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GoSuB Browser Progress, pt7
jaytaph 1 year ago

It seems I hit (another) snag: more than 5000 of the 6000 token tests from html5lib-tests are passing, so that's a big win. There are 2 issues tha...

rust gosub utf-8
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GoSuB Browser Progress, pt6
jaytaph 1 year ago

Happy times with the tokenizer! I've setup a tester that will actually test the tokenizer again the html5 testsuite. More and more tests found are...

rust gosub html5 tokenizer
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GoSuB Browser Progress, pt5
jaytaph 1 year ago

Now that I'm filling more and more data states, i can actually parse more and more html5 code. To test all this, i've generated some testcases thro...

rust html5 testing
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GoSuB Browser Progress, pt4
jaytaph 1 year ago

As character entities are "completed", i can finally tokenize whole strings like "this is © 2023" and have it parsed correctly with the copyri...

rust gosub
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GoSuB Browser Progress, pt3
jaytaph 1 year ago

Finally done with the named character references. This took too long because I could not get the businesslogic right. Different code bases uses a d...

rust gosub
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GoSuB Browser Progress, pt2
jaytaph 1 year ago

I've spend some time fighting against Rust. It's not clear who won though. The biggest problem I'm currently facing is the fact that I have to disc...

rust gosub
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GoSuB Browser Progress, pt1
jaytaph 1 year ago

A few days in, and lots of things learned. Rust is less explicit and relies more on syntax stuff than for instance go. Which means it can be hard t...

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The one where he is writing a browser...
jaytaph 1 year ago

So, I've decided to start a project that I wanted to do for a long time: write a browser. There are a few TINY issues with this: * First, I don't...

rust browser

About jaytaph

Codemuser extraordinaire

avatar Loves building crazy and insane stuff. Happiest when left alone. All I wanted was a Pepsi, just a Pepsi.
Joined:March 24, 2023
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