GoSuB Browser Progress, pt18

Created at 2023-10-02 14:11:42 (1 year ago)

I've seen a few contributions coming in which makes me very happy. Although one of the problems is that my ever-lasting parser branch gets out of sync with the main branch.

I've updated this branch so it's mergable, but it's far from finished. Hopefully when it is merged, we can actually have more people looking at it to see where things still go wrong.

I was planning on fixing things up in the weekend, but it turns out I could not access the parser code (don't ask). So instead I did some reading up on whatwg and stumbled upon the console API. Since it looked relative simple, I've decided to give it a go and implement it.

Not everything is done though, but I want to check with others with more Rust experience to see if things looks good (enough).

I hope this week is the week I get passed the test-23 obstacle.. the test that still keeps failing because of some issues in the adoption-agency-algoritm. It somehow doesn't parse the nodes correctly, and I'm not finding out why. It's worse than that: i'm not even sure why the nodes are parsed the way they are in side the test.

The example is "<a><p><a>", where the first <a> is closed as soon as <p> is opened, so it should be a sibling of the first <a> in the <body> node. But i just can find this in the algorithm how this should work. My main suspects are the find-furthest-block method and the generate-implied-end-tags function.

I did some printouts of the algorithms and did a step-by-step to check it codewise, but it all looks fine..

rust gosub

About jaytaph

Codemuser extraordinaire

avatar Loves building crazy and insane stuff. Happiest when left alone. All I wanted was a Pepsi, just a Pepsi.
Joined:March 24, 2023
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