GoSuB Browser Progress, pt20

Created at 2023-10-11 16:21:36 (1 year ago)

I'm struggling with Rust again. Basically I'm trying to fill in more tests, and that seems to go well, but I'm at a point I need to start filling "template" elements. The idea of a template element is to have some html-code that is not directly part of the main DOM tree, but is contained in its own tree. This means that an element should have its own document structure. In this case, we use a lightweight structure called documentFragment, and should hold a reference to the parent DOM (I assume we can have templates within templates this way?).

However, this is all a bit tricky with Rust and the magic of borrowing, as we now have to pass references to the main document that is created by the parser.

I'm trying to figure out how to do this in the most Rust idiomatic way, but it will be a struggle for now :>

rust gosub

About jaytaph

Codemuser extraordinaire

avatar Loves building crazy and insane stuff. Happiest when left alone. All I wanted was a Pepsi, just a Pepsi.
Joined:March 24, 2023
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