8 CodeMusings tagged with 'php'
jaytaph 1 year ago
I'm doing some hobby work on spacetraders.io. A (simple) space trading game where the only interface is an HTTP API. I've setup a PHP SDK, and tr...
php spacetradersjaytaph 1 year ago
I've finished up the MVP of the codemusings website. So, pretty much everything I wanted is implemented: writing codemuses, followerlists, comment...
php symfony codemusingjaytaph 1 year ago
Hurrah, upvotes and comments are functional! Next stop are the friendlists which may be a bit more work to get right but just like any other system...
phpjaytaph 1 year ago
Yesterday evening I did some work on setting up an initial upvote system. Initially this will be very simple: ``` plan -> upvote <- user ``` Thes...
php voting system postgresjaytaph 1 year ago
Today I have some time to do some cleanup. Much of the (minimum) features are ready, so now I will spend some time for some maintenance. First, i w...
php phpstanjaytaph 1 year ago
So, welcome all to `codemusings.nl`. The website where you as a developer can share your plans to the world. This website is inspired by the origi...
php symfony