32 CodeMusings tagged with 'gosub'
jaytaph 1 year ago
There are so many components we still need to write, and so many things we still do not know. We are currently designing the whole flow as a serial...
rust gosubbigfatbird 1 year ago
I never programmed for the Mac or iOS. I have a little motivation to learn it, though. I live in Berlin and when I'm commuting i am using the servi...
100DaysOfSwiftUI gosubjaytaph 1 year ago
We've finally passed all the tree-construction parser tests! Well, almost actually. We're at 99.89%, since there are 4 tests remaining for which w...
gosub rustjaytaph 1 year ago
We are making very good progress with the current parser tests, and we actually got around into parsing live documents (my own site, and google.com...
gosub html5jaytaph 1 year ago
We've finally succeeded in passing all the 112 parser tests found in the html5lib-tests suite's test1.dat file. There are MANY other files to go, w...
gosubjaytaph 1 year ago
I'm struggling with Rust again. Basically I'm trying to fill in more tests, and that seems to go well, but I'm at a point I need to start filling "...
rust gosubjaytaph 1 year ago
We've passed the infamous test 23! With the help of phpnl slack collegue Mathijs, we've managed to get the adoption agency working properly. It se...
rust gosubjaytaph 1 year ago
I've seen a few contributions coming in which makes me very happy. Although one of the problems is that my ever-lasting parser branch gets out of s...
rust gosubjaytaph 1 year ago
I'm still working on test 23 in the tree-parser tests. :( There are a lot of steps.. and I keep finding small issues that I keep fixing, but this...
rust gosubjaytaph 1 year ago
Did a [blog post](https://adayinthelifeof.nl/2023/09/22/browsers.html) on one of the reasons why I started this browser project. Exploded on [hacke...
rust gosub parsing