36 CodeMusings tagged with 'gosub'

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Gosub Browser Progress, pt42
jaytaph 1 month ago

I'm currently making lots of progress with the render pipeline proof of concept. Right now, we have separated all things into phases which all have...

rust gosub tiling painting
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Gosub Browser Progress, pt41
jaytaph 1 month ago

So we had some setbacks with the font manager. It turns out we need all kind of different font libraries, and they are not interchangeable. So what...

rust gosub rendering
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Gosub Browser Progress, pt40
jaytaph 2 months ago

So my planning went completely sideways, as per usual. I started with doing a little bit of work on rendering some typography to make it a bit bet...

rust gosub font
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Gosub Browser Progress, pt39
jaytaph 2 months ago

We've got a browser! At least, we have now got a stand-alone useragent that can load tabs, and actually render them. For this, we use the gosub_en...

rust gosub gtk
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Gosub Browser Progress, pt38
jaytaph 3 months ago

We JUST merged the v2 engine proof-of-concept into the main branch. Big thanks to shark to get that one done. The whole engine setup should be much...

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Gosub Browser Progress, pt37
jaytaph 4 months ago

At this moment we have a few components: a html5 parser, a css parser, a css validator, a renderer that uses taffy and vello toolkits to do layouts...

gosub gtk eventloop async
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GoSuB Browser Progress, pt36
jaytaph 5 months ago

So it took quite a while longer for getting the CSS3 and HTML5 crates working together nicely. Together with SharkTheOne (massive shoutout, as I kn...

rust gosub
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GoSuB Browser Progress, pt35
jaytaph 6 months ago

I'm currently working on some refactoring in order to get something trivial working (html5 and css3 crate depend on each other, and results in a cy...

rust gosub generics traits
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GoSuB Browser Progress, pt34
jaytaph 8 months ago

It has been a while! So, we are still going on strong, albeit slowly. The CSS system is not finished as there is still a lot to do. We had to writ...

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GoSuB Browser Progress, pt33
jaytaph 1 year ago

Last week I've spend some work on the stylesheets. We are currently able to convert a CST tree into a stylesheet structure that can be used for sel...

rust gosub css

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